Yes, our sail cover really sucks! The zipper is broke, the clasps are broke and we need to hold the cover together with bungee cords! Why are we boring you with this? Because you can help us buy a new one without having to do anything but click and vote!
We're contestants in a SailRite contest, and the winning prize is a $250 gift card! We've been having our eye on a "Sail Pack" kit for about a year now, but we just haven't had the extra funds to purchase one. If we win the gift card, we'll finally be able to purchase the kit. Then, we won't only have a new sail cover, but a sail "pack", which would be awesome! A sail pack makes storing the sails so much easier, which means we'd probably sail more often ... yes, we are lazy sometimes!
So, I know you're just itching to vote for us right? So, all you need to do is CLICK HERE and vote ... it's that easy and quick! We'd really appreciate your help, and you can even share the link on your Facebook page, site, or anywhere that you choose!
The voting ends August 31st ... so might as well vote now! You'll be "paying it forward" and buying us something without spending a dime.
We really need some better luck lately, so we'd appreciate it!
Hasta luego ... until then. Mid-Life Cruising!
I voted for you again. Good luck.
Have a terrific day. :)
Thanks Sandee ... you're the best!
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