Well, Christmas is around the corner which means you'd better hurry up and buy those gifts! Wondering what to get? Well, if your friend or family member likes boating, than here's some ideas that we think are good basics for the boater and/or cruiser. In fact, most of these items are on our "wish list" too! Just click on the link for more info...
Every time Ken and I go out on our sailboat, we're reminded how bad we need this drinks/binoculars rack. We don't have anywhere to place our drinks, so this is a real must! Plus, this holds other things like binoculars.
Speaking of binoculars ... waterproof binoculars
are also a great gift for a boater. Binoculars are great for using when trying to see that island from afar or those dolphin that are just a little too far away.
Caframo 12v cabin fans
are a must when living in the hot and humid South! We hear that this brand is pretty good, and we'll be getting a few of these next year.
Hatch covers with mosquito screen
... these are something that we'd like to have. Mosquitos are often called the "State Bird" here in Louisiana!
Leatherman Multi-Tool
- Ken has one of these and loves it! It's small and handy!
Gear Hammock
- This is another item we don't have yet, but will be a must when cruising to hold all those odds and ends. We'll need a few of these!
Beer Making Kit!
- Now this is something that sounds pretty interesting to me. Ken loves beer and this may be a cheaper option.
GoPro® HD HERO2 Camera
- I should have a star by this one! I don't have one of these waterproof video cameras yet, but it's definitely something I want. I've heard a lot of really good things about this camera.
Oh, and SailorBags ... any of them! I was lucky enough to win a contest they were having, and they provided me with a large duffel bag. I LOVE IT! I knew there products were good, but I was really impressed when I received my bag. Now, I want more! I'd especially like the large tote or the messenger bag.
Books are always a great idea, and I think these books cover a little bit of everything ... a story written by a female cruiser about her experiences, learning to sail, learning the boat's electronics, learning a new language, and cruising on a budget. While we don't own "The Motion of the Ocean" and "Spanish for Cruisers", they are on my list. The other three books are great, and I often refer to "The Complete Sailor".
While I'm mentioning books, I want to recommend a "non-sailing" book that is a crime drama. It's called All Rise
and it was written by my step-mom. The story takes place on the Mississippi Gulf Coast after Hurricane Katrina, and it's a really good read! In fact, my step-mom is currently working on the publishing of her upcoming second book. We're really proud of her!
Movies are always a great idea! Many cruisers watch movies on their boat instead of watching television, which draws a lot of power! There are tons of movies out there, but here are three of my favorites! First, is a classic for boaters (and even non-boaters) ... the comedy "Captain Ron".
Another idea for a more dramatic movie is "Seven Years in Tibet". Not only does this movie feature the great-looking Brad Pitt, but it's based on a true story about the Dahli Lahma as a child in Tibet. There has been an ongoing battle between China and Tibet, and this movie really educated me about what has been happening. I love the Buddhist teachings, and this was a real eye-opener, Also, the scenery is beautiful!
Since most sailors like to travel, "Eat, Pray, Love" is also a good option. The character takes a break from life and travels to Italy, Bali and India. I loved the scenery and life's lessons that the character learned.
Of course, there's also our pirate products that we've created. We have t-shirts, waterproof backpacks, lotions, shower gels and soaps. Most are around $15, so check them out at our store!
Need more ideas? A while back I created a page full of links to books, music, and bling. You're sure to find something there! Santa, are you reading this?!
*Yes, we will make a few cents if you buy any of these products from our site. But hey, you'll be paying the same and giving us a gift too ... pretty cool!
Hasta luego ... until then. Mid-Life Cruising!
Great wish list! But a list that never ends... I've got a list of needed/bought gear on our Finances page if you're interested.
I've got a couple of gifts left to buy for my great granddaughter and I'm done. We don't do much gift exchanging here.
Love it that your MIL is a published author. That rocks.
Have a terrific day. :)
I would NOT suggest those fans. We bought 6 for the boat and every single one of them has broken and been replaced just after 1 year. We now have the basic Caframos and Hella Turbos, which we think are MUCH better (and a lot cheaper). Just FYI.
Sandee, we're with you! We don't buy much for Christmas either and refuse to go into debt. As far as gifts for each other, it has to be inexpensive and probably for the boat! =)
Pacific Sailor .. thanks and definitely going to check it out! We've been enjoying following you on your boat!
Windtraveler ... thanks Brittany for the info on the fans. You mentioned that the basic Caframo fan is a good option .. is that the one with just 2 blades and no cover? That's the model we'd like ... any good? Looking forward to seeing your Christmas list!
I like bicycle water bottle cages on my boats. The aluminum wire ones fit all bottles and cans and will NEVER loose one (I've kept them right through capsizes on my first cat). Heck, they keep bottles on mountain bikes. 2 screws, or a hose clamp to any railing. Much harder to break than some "marine" designs. Many cool models. The wire ones can be prone to catching lines if poorly placed.
Our Hella's caught on fire--3 of 4 withing 2 weeks. We have been happy with this Caframo for 2 years:
Hey guys long time no comment :) Time to catch up on all your blogs since I was last on!
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