Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A Dust Storm!

Ken and I feel like the folks in the above picture (but with a little more clothing) ... caught in a dust storm!  As I mentioned in last week's post, our home has become a construction zone.  With lots of sheetrock repair going on, there's a ton of dust!  The inside of our home looks like snow, and it's everywhere!  Thankfully most of our "stuff" is covered in plastic and/or paper, but I see a lot of house cleaning in my future ... sigh!

Although we're trying to keep things clean, it's just about impossible until the sheetrock repairs are complete. We're constantly washing the bed sheets, wearing flip-flops around the house, and wiping our feet off before getting into bed.  Once we take a shower in the evening, we quickly head outside before that "dusty" feeling sets in again.

In the evenings we've been hanging out back to escape the dust.   We're thankful that we have a backyard with great waterfront views, as well as Nirvana.  We've always enjoyed hanging out in the cockpit while listening to music and relaxing, but we've been forced to do it a lot more often, and it's been a real pleasure!

While we can't wait to have our house back, we haven't missed the television!  We have been turning on the television in our bedroom once we're "in" for the night, but it's more for relaxation than anything.  In our opinion, television has become pathetic the past few years.  If it wasn't for the Travel Channel and the Discovery Channel, I don't think television would have anything worthwhile!  The reality shows scare me ... are they a reflection of our society?  Man, I hope not!

It's been nice to be forced to go without television until bedtime.  In the past, the television was on out of habit and for the noise.  The music we've been listening to outside and the sound of the birds has been so much better! The lack of television for a week now has really given us a sense of what our future cruising lifestyle will be like.  Sitting out back every night while watching the birds, the ducks and the water has slowed things down for us.  It makes us feel more in touch with this world.  I guess this is our "silver lining" that has come with our current living conditions, not to mention the benefits that will come from the improvements and selling our home!

We should be ready for painting on Thursday, so I'll be putting on my painting clothes and painting with Ken for a couple of days.  I haven't been any help during the sheetrock repairs, so I'm glad to be able to do my part and help paint.  Hopefully this weekend we'll be tearing down the plastic and paper, getting the house clean, and putting the furniture back.  After that we'll be completing other repairs on the house, but they shouldn't be as major as this phase has been.

Achieving our cruising goal hasn't been easy or fun, but the goal keeps us going!

Hasta luego ... until then. Mid-Life Cruising!


Tate said...

The photo reminds me of Dani and I's dust storm experiences. Don't know if you're familiar with Burning Man but that is a lot of what it was like.


Ken n Cheryl said...

Yep, I've been familiar with Burning Man for a little while now and have previously enjoyed reading your posts about it ... sounds like a one-of-a-kind (and fun) experience! In fact, the picture in my post is from Burning Man. Wish our "dust storm" was as much fun .. LOL!

Cathy Trails said...

Oh MY! That looks like Arizona's dust storms! Careful!

LittleCunningPlan.com said...

We haven't had cable TV in about 17 years. Both our kids were raised with no cable TV in the house and we never regretted it, nor missed it. As you say, most of what is on TV is pretty depressing. I work with many young adults in my psychotherapy practice and I'm always struck with how they think life is filled with 'dramatic' moments, and they create the drama if it doesn't happen first. When my daughter became an adult, she told me the best thing we ever did as parents was turn off the TV. We waited a LONG time for that one! Glad you are finding the benefits in what otherwise must be a not-so-fun experience. Sheetrock dust. Ugh. I've had my fill of that, too.

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