Thursday, July 26, 2012

Still No Furniture!

Yep, we still don't have our furniture back!  (I took these pictures yesterday with my cell phone since our camera is packed away in our furniture ... not the best pics).  We could easily move all of the furniture out of the back room, but Ken and I decided that until we get everything done ... we're not touching the furniture!  We figured keeping the house as a "work zone" will insure that we don't get too comfortable.  Sometimes comfort can turn into laziness, then procrastination!

Ken and I really don't need motivation to finish our home renovations, but being able to walk around and not worry about dusting the furniture and stuff makes things easier.

View from loft above

Little things like crown molding on the kitchen cabinets, staining trim for around the bottom of the fireplace, painting trim for around the top of the fireplace, staining and painting trim for the upper loft, then placing the trim ... they all take time.  That's now done and last night I came home to doors on our master bedroom closets ... woo hoo!  We've lived without closet doors and it never really bothered us.  Now that we have them, we realize what we were missing ... the small things in life.  The house is really starting to look sharp!  

Crown molding on cabinets ... done!

Ken will be replacing an exterior door and a couple of door frames, and painting those doors and the closet doors today.  Our friend Ted is offering his time today, so we're really grateful!  Ken's a great painter, but I know he's glad to have some help ... he hates painting doors.  Then the door knobs go on!

After a few more random things, Ken needs to tackle something he's been putting off for a while ... the garage!  I don't think we've ever had room in any of our garages over the years for an automobile.  Our garage is full of tools, construction materials and who knows what else.  If you saw nothing but our garage, you'd think we were hoarders!  Yes, it's that bad ... I admit.  We've got to get that garage looking better.

So, we're a few weeks behind schedule but we're almost there!  Actually, we're at least a year behind schedule from our original plan but that's okay.  Everything seems to be working out as it should ... at its own pace.  Being just a few weeks away from getting our home renovations complete is something we've been waiting for a long time.  We're thankful the time is now here!

Hasta luego ... until then.  Mid-Life Cruising!

5 comments: said...

That looks just great! What a lot of work. I don't want to think too much about our garage. I was out there this weekend clearing stuff out, but it's like a vacuum space: when I take stuff out it just makes more room for us to stage more stuff to go out. I need a work area out there because we, too, have doors to paint! Ours are original to the house and solid wood. They have layers of nasty paint that needs to be removed. I've done about 4 doors over the years and I have many more that need to be redone. That's a huge project on my 'to do' list. Procrastination is really the enemy when faced with that kind of task. You guys have done an awesome job on that house.

Dani said...

Wow it really looks good!

So when the house sells are you planning to move onto the boat like in Oak harbor or something to save money for the trip?

A friend of ours has his boat over there.

Neophyte Cruiser said...

The house really looks great, guys! Day by day, the dream is getting closer and that has to be almost as exciting as enjoying your remodelled house.

Cathy Trails said...

It really does look great. One day at a time :)

Cathy Trails

Ken n Cheryl said...

Neophyte, you are so right! We are getting excited about the dream getting closer and closer to reality!

Dani, we hope to move into a small apartment for about 6 months while we prepare Nirvana for cruising. After that, we may live at Oak Harbor Marina for a couple of months. We'd love to move straight to the marina, but we need to do a lot of work on the boat, which would make it difficult to live on at the same time.

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